This is the best comparison of candidates I have seen. Anyone not seeing your concerns on the pro life issues did not read and feel your conviction. Clearly the pro life party did not include any of that in a platform. Joe Biden is not the perfect choice, but he has the best priests that are closer to mine as opposed to Donald Trump.

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I agree, and can only pray that "common sense" will prevail and that Trump isn't re-elected. Trump falsely claims that Biden is a Socialist, but to me he is a "would be dictator" which is far more frightening. He appeals to his base (far right conservatives) and praises them for the civil unrest they cause. He lies constantly and repeats the lies so often I'm concerned people will believe them! Although news today is certainly biased, people can't deny the horrible things this President says and believes. Our country is the laughing stock of the world right now. We can't afford to insult and demean our allies and praise dictators. Enough is enough! Make American great again by voting out Trump. Joe Biden isn't perfect, but he is someone I can respect as he has the experience and maturity that Trump sorely lacks.

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I can’t believe that you would be for abortion, the killing of innocent babies. Explain that to your maker

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Did you even read this? He specifically said he is NOT pro-abortion but does not believe that single issue trumps all others and that even on that issue, abortions would not be seriously limited by a second Trump term.

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His opening statement of being pro-life means all life, including those living and murdered by police that are different color than you. Also, Christ said, "as you do so unto the least of these you do so unto me". "The first will be last and the last shall be first" One issue and you go with all the evil the current followers ascribe to. You can't love, excuse evil and have any credibility. We are currently living in a type of hell under this regime. Let us not forget "Love one another, as I have so loved you" Peace be with you.

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This world has been under a Satanic system for thousands of years. It’s not about the people as much as the powers of darkness behind them— Ephesians 6:12. This Satanic system has thrived by their human agents offering blood sacrifice through abortion, wars etc. Donald Trump was raised to stop these and he will. He’s winning, just so you know, for it is purposed.

Donald Trump isn’t a priest or prophet. He doesn’t need to be. Read Isaiah 45. He’s raised purposely to destroy this Satanic system because it’s time is up, which is a scary proposition for all beneficiaries of the system, including those hiding in church. Time is up. It’s time to repent. All who put the word of man before the Word of God will soon face the consequences, for God is taking His creation back from the rebels, just as He did at Eden, when Adam and Eve listener to the snake and ignored His voice.

Trump is a David in his first phase, when he was prideful and insolent. Read 1 Samuel 17. Trump in the second term will be transformed by the power of God to accomplish the purposes for which he was raised.

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The President has more control over the budget than anyone. He sends his budget proposal to Congress. They can rubber stamp it or radically change it. The President has the final approval. Remember the last Government shut down? Trump wouldn’t approve the budget for many weeks. During the first two years of his presidency, Trump had a majority in the House and the Senate where many humanitarian programs were terminated. The current republican party lacks compassion. And, about abortions. In my state of California you can’t abort a fetus if it is viable outside the womb, typically after 6 months. There are exceptions of the life of the mother Is at risk.

Fine Christians in the woman’s temperance movement Forced a constitutional amendment To prohibit the sale of alcohol. What happened? People found a way to to buy, drink and even make their own alcohol. Bootleggers made a fortune, and eventually the people hated it. So, it was finally repealed. Now, consider what happens if Roe v. Wade is overturned and the courts. Women will find a way to get abortions, Maybe legally by crossing state lines, or going to Canada or Mexico Or undergo unsafe abortions as they did before Roe v. Wade. Today, with the Internet, it will be easy to locate those who are willing to perform the abortions. Here’s a warning for all you white supremacists: Women of color and immigrants legal or not will lack the resources to travel or pay for an abortion. There goes the neighborhood!

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Obviously, well thought through but deficient in balanced thinking using the Whole word of God, and TRUTHS about Biden you willfully ignore which could be the same as presenting half truths. Biden’s marriage is shown to come about as the result of an adulterous affair according to a Jill’s first husband. There is proof of past issues of sexual harassment, and many other issues, consistent public plagiarism, support for most things conservative Catholics find abhorrent as does the Word. So your portrayal of him as the model Christian family man is not full truth, as you berate Trump on similar issues. Why not now also take the same swings at King a David, “ a man after God’s own heart”. He looks at the fruit, and Joe’s is not as pure or acceptable as you willfully ignore.

For each of your points, the Word would point out polar opposite truths.

The Word does NOT support Socialism

The Word and Constitution does NOT accept healthcare as a Consitutional Right

The Word and Constitutionallow for lawful immigration .. yet BOTH REQUIRE assimilation, nothing less you as well as others have twisted President Trump’s comments.

Did you KNOW that even Reagan thought Of pulling out of Europe when they wouldn’t support us putting weapons their to “ protect them?”

I find that the Bible that you must read, based upon your assumptions that Jesus was socialistic, globalist communist... who loves abortion, gay marriage, hates Israel’s right to exist, and Jerusalem as its capitol( hey , Jesus, you may want to re-route your second coming’s destination with a President Biden),

The utter failure to recount Fauci’s public statements at the end of a January, stating” their was nothing to worry about”? Or Trump’s travel ban that Biden opposed?

It would be nice IF you had prayed for the Spirit’s guidance to open your eyes to the hidden things out there before encouraging other brethren down a path of error. There seems to be a way that is right in the eyes of man, whose end thereof is death... or in this case further destroying those Principles upon which America was founded, and prospers

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Thank you so much for this well articulated comparison of our choices this election, Ron. I hope people can read it with truly open minds and consider carefully and prayerfully what you've so clearly presented.

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I will vote for the most pro-life candidate, because God hates the shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17).

I will vote for the most pro-Israel candidate, because

God blesses those who Bless Israel

and curses those who don't

(Genesis 12:3).

I will vote for the most pro-debt reduction candidate, because the borrower is servant to the lender (Proverbs 22:7).

I will vote for the most pro-work candidate because God says if a man won't work let him not eat. (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

I will vote for the most Pro-Marriage candidate because God is for marriage as defined in (Genesis 2:24).

I will vote for the candidate who most closely believes government's purpose is to reward good & punish evil (Romans 13).

I will vote based as close as I can on God's Word

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Regarding your pro-work comment. Donald Trump's recent executive order concerning his ban on Tik-Tok inadvertently puts thousands of American teachers out of work. GoGoKid teachers are employed as independent contractors by Bytendance. We lose our jobs as of 9/20. Even if China sells Tik-Tok to Microsoft-Walmart or to Oracle. We lose. I had my first job at the age of ELEVEN. Teaching is my passion. I am LIVID that Donald Trump has made it illegal for me to get paid to teach children ages 3 to 12 English. Donald Trump is NOT a pro-work candidate. Thousands of GoGokid have tweeted him, have sent emails to the congressman (women), to the Secretary of Commerce Mr. Wilbur, we are all getting conflicting information. I NEVER in a million years thought that the President of the United States could "ban" me from getting a paycheck for teaching English; Not only that there is some evidence to suggest that we could be fined up to $300,000 if we enter into any transaction with Bytendance and possible felony charges. Absolutely Ridiculous. I do not use Tik Tok. YET I am losing my livelihood as a direct result. HE is NOT Pro-Work.

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Wow, that's the most bullshit I've ever seen in one place, congratulations!!

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Does the truth scare you. It seems so that you would put such a silly, stupid comment up.

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Dorothy, there are so many who are living in fear as they should be. Ascribing to evil has a very high cost and we are all paying it and living a hell on earth under someone who "never asked God for forgiveness, has never felt need to" The Donald.

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I worked for an evangelical Christian organization in the area of refugee resettlement, and have seen Donald Trump systematic destruction of the nationwide infrastructure for refugee resettlement, that has been built up over 75 years.

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It's not clear that George Floyd was murdered. It's now probable he died because of a drug overdose. If divorce and remarriage is a negative for a candidate, then Biden is not off the hook either. He was having an immoral relationship with his present wife while she was still married to another man. Trump is for law and order. Look at what the Democrat mayors and governors are letting happen in their rioting cities.

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I would add that Biden would restore our commitment to the U.S. refugee resettlement program and increase the number of refugees we welcome into the country. His website says that he "will set the annual global refugee admissions cap to 125,000, and seek to raise it over time commensurate with our responsibility, our values, and the unprecedented global need." https://joebiden.com/immigration/

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Which one is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. I am always reminded of the scripture “Be as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove.” These are Ron’s opinions only and we must never make a choice because one man sounds good. If you can’t pray and ask the Holy Spirit who to pray for and why then you dearly miss the words of Jesus when He said “When the Holy Spirit comes He will lead you into all truths.” Just my opinion also.

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How do you feel about your decision to support Biden now?

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I sure don't want to be close to you with your twisted views when you meet Christ. The very first reason a born again Believer can not vote for any democrat is because they publically removed God from their platform. So doing they now openly endorse same sex marriage, abortion up to birth and so on. You my friend are in bad shape if you call yourself a Christian.

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According to CDC , there has been a dramatic 46 % decline in the abortion rate since its peak in 1980 of 25 abortions per 1000 women age 15 to 44. . 82 % of this dramatic decline occurred during Democrat administrations while only 18 % occurred during Republican administrations. If your real goal is a reduction in the actual abortion rate you want to support the Democratic candidate. If rhetoric is your aim then you are better served by a Republican administration. For the past 40 years the combined 16 years of Democrat administrations were 4.6 times more productive in reducing the abortion rates than the Republicans performance in 24 years of controlling the Presidency. The democratic policies and programs emphasize education and health. .

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I did not read all the information here. Why not? Because the biggest conflict I have with any political figure is what do they say they will do with human life. If a they are okay killing babies, then they are not at all biblical. They are directly going against the bible and Gods word. For you to say you think Biden is more in line with the biblical view yet he is okay killing babies is the probably the most hypocritical reason to make your stand on. It is deceptive to the core. To even say that this idea of killing babies has anything to do with loving people and preaching the gospel is like picking and choosing to obey God when its convenient to your life. I am not saying that trump is in line with Gods word and obeys gods loving call. I can't say that. But I do know when someone is standing up for for injustice. And the injustice that is happening every day 60,000 babies being murdered every day is wrong!

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