Nice obfuscation Ron as you continue to serve your father Satan. You will have to one day account to God for feeding on the sheep peddling your communist garbage not even bothering to wear your fake sheep outfit (a wolf in wolves clothing). You need to repent Ron, and come to God and seek Jesus as your lord. Karl Marx will only lead you straight to the pit as he has done all these years. Oh and yes the Biden administration is best described as fascist. Fascism is a form of socialism just to the right of communism, but both are extreme left. And it’s not Biden, as you well know. It’s Obama and his henchmen. And you did everything you could do to bring their fascist evil upon our nation. Repent Ron, you are evil to the core.

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Anyone can call anyone else anything, right? But words have meanings, albeit meanings that change through the decades, centuries, millennia. They take on news meanings, they carry different cultural weight, or via wishful thinking, simple ignorance of their original definition. But sometimes they change through insidious design, as when right-wing politicians and their acolytes use what they consider vicious labels, as when Trump calls Biden a socialist. The "simple ignorance" metamorphosis of *socialist* to denote the Keynesian-style social democracy of Scandinavia and other Western European countries, is--I suppose--useless for me to criticize. But *socialist* does denote the transitional phase before communism, according to Marx, et al. To further muddy the waters, Lenin himself said that Russia was far too under-developed to ever achieve *communism* and that the best it could hope for was state capitalism. Stalin was not a good thinker and he was a ruthless leader (like most of these he had a diagnosis, in his case--as in most--it was simple paranoia, but it the true, clinical sense of the word). Scanadanian countrie, to reiterate, are best labeled social democracies, as Bernie Sanders correctly labels his ideas, which are no more "socialist" than LBJ's, and in some ways, less so.

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Using one extreme political group's definition to describe another's is asking a blind person to describe a rainbow.

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Biden (and Democrats) seem to be supporting BLM. BLM founders are self proclaimed Marxists.

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He is so un-socialistic that he won't even endorse so basic an idea as universal health care.

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In this current debate on the term ‘socialism,’ it’s worth noting that there is a third historic option, ‘national socialism’ as was practiced in Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945, lest we forget!

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From a Marxist tradition, neither Biden nor the Soviet Union et. al. were socialists.

Marx is very clear, socialism is about liberating the proletariat from the control of the bourgeoisie by putting the proletariat in charge. The abolishing of private property, which to Marx could happen in various ways including ways some of which were taken by some US states in Marx's time, is simply a means of liberating the proletariat.

Here we should note that unless the state was governed by the proletariat, gov't ownership and control of resources did not mean that there was socialism. The soviet gov't was never under control by the proletariat. Rosa Luxemburg, a contemporary of Lenin and fellow socialist, stressed the point that the structure of gov't under Lenin followed the bourgeoisie dictatorship model rather than employ the proletariat dictatorship--which was really a form of limited democracy. In addition, neither Lenin nor Trotsky nor even Stalin were members of the Proletariat.

Below is an answer in a Q&A session where Noam Chomsky shows some of the differences between Marxism and what Lenin did.


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Thank you for speaking truth, Dr. Sider. Sort off topic question: Could you recommend some books or resources in learning more about Anabaptist theology?

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