If this is a Bonhoeffer moment, what are we to do with the choice of a man who continues to support an organization founded with the expressed purpose of eliminating the black race -- Planned Parenthood, an organization that continues to provide for more killing of black babies than any white violence has done in decades? Hitler did, in fact, learn from Margaret Sanger's eugenics movement, which continues to be supported by the Democratic party in the USA.

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Thank you, Ron, for pointing out these parallels. In my-not-so-humble opinion, many Evangelicals are engaged in a form of idolatry with Donald Trump that grieves and distresses me. We have exchanged the Living God for a profane, amoral braggart and bully. A very bad bargain. I believe repentance is called for -- a necessity!

Yes, I pray for God to bless Pres. Trump every day, and to bring him to a true saving knowledge of Jesus Christ -- and that the U.S. be spared four more years of him.

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Thank you so much for discussing this topic in such a level-minded way. I agree that we are not in the same place as Germany was in the 1930s but democracy is a very fragile thing. It may not take very much for us to get to a place where our democratic insitutions are weakened beyond repair. In hindsight, it looks as though what happened in Germany in the 1930s was to be expected but many Germans are regretful that they did not see this coming.

It is scary how quickly we have become numb to the erosion of our democratic norms in three short years. Now Trump is talking of getting the justice department to defend himself against private sexual allegations (at the tax payer's expense), and most people feel too numb to react. Many of us who came to America from places with dictatorships are afraid of where Trump is taking us. He is getting bolder by the day.

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Ron - I am not sure how you can write these words? Trump is not Hitler, you say, but then you turn around and write essentially Trump is Hitler-like. Wow. And your "facts" are so slanted, so biased it is obvious you are not being just to the issues. No nuance. No filter. You completely dismiss the teaching of Romans 13 and 1 Timothy 2. We are called to prayer for our government leaders and yes we are in America so we can write what we like but you are not just with your treatment of the

"facts". I could just turn on CNN and get the same slant. Not helpful. Mostly mud slinging. Not credible.

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Good summary of this shameless Trump hating piece without context provided on any of the anti Trump claims.

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Utter bullshit. The Bible said we should pray for our leaders but we should also speak the truth in love to them. Bonhoeffer did not only pray for the leadership of Germany, he worked to end the evil, up to the point of plotting to kill Hitler. Christians must speak up against lies, injustice, corruption, etc., in leadership (all while praying for godly leadership).

Bob Woodward has just reported (with tapes) that Trump lied (and continues to lie) about the virus. 190,000 Americans have died, many unnecessarily, because we did not take it seriously enough. So-called Christians will quickly come to his defense with stupid whataboutisms and mind-bending logic to defend lies, corruption and callousness. I'm fed up with this. This is EVIL. No excuse.

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I know about Bonhoeffer and the history of those days. We are not living in the days of Jews being exterminated, Catholic priests killed, etc.

The manure you speak of may be in your own field.

I understand and appreciate the "character" argument. You can have all the mud you want to sling at Trump. Just give me the 62,000,000 babies that have been killed and the 500,000 a year that will increase under Biden and Democrat leadership.

The great sin of Christians is not speaking out about the babies -killed, body parts sold, and then thinking Trump is the problem? Really?

The great injustice, the great lies, the great corruption is abortion.

The calendar on the virus is clear - Biden and Pelosi believed Trump was wrong when he halted travel from China. I do not defend Trump. When he has done wrong or said wrong so be it. I have no emotion for Trump. Never been to a rally. Never gave a dime. But I prayed for Obama for 8 years. Will pray for Biden if he becomes President. But this attempt to condemn me or any Christian who votes for Trump based upon the issues of abortion - you have no leg to stand on - none. Yet, it is clear you do know how to cuss.

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There will be a new "scandal" tomorrow. There will be something "outrageous" to report about Trump almost every day until the election. Words and intentions will be distorted and taken out of context to fit a particular narrative. It's my hunch that reasonable people are seeing through this.

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How do you know anything about his "personal sex life"? (At this time, or are you judging him for the sins of his past. And would you say the same of Bill Clinton and Martin Luther King who were serial adulterers?)

As a Catholic it's very strange to me to divide Christians by race. It almost seems racist. Are there no Black Christians who support Trump?

What policies of Trump go against the poor?

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Sergeant Whataboutism is at it again. You quickly zero in on personal sex life, ignoring the first point that Ron made. Let's start with the lies. Please defend that without pointing fingers at someone else. I won't even waste my time because I know you'll quickly revert to whataboutism. What about him or her does not excuse anything. Isn't this what we teach our kids when they try to defend themselves using whataboutism? Arrant nonsense! Not Christian at all.

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I'm not defending a thing. I'm asking why Trump's sex life is so important to him and why he can't give the benefit of the doubt that he might not commit those sins anymore. But yes, let's be consistent. If he can accuse Trump he should accuse MLK, Clinton, the Kennedys, etc., or else he's being very hypocritical. It's not just a sin for Trump. The bottom line is I don't know what Trump is doing now in that regard and I can't judge him for what I don't know and neither can Mr. Sider. For what it's worth, I admit Trump committed serious sexual sins. That doesn't disqualify him to be President, especially when running against someone who defends killing unborn human beings.

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